A mission statement is an organizationational story said as a slogan in less than 30 seconds! It goes a long way in presenting the organization and can be used in a number of ways for public relations purposes. This is important, becuase - as they say - “If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up somewhere else.E
The Mission Statment packages the core values and principles of an NGO. It operationalizes the NGO's vision, and assists in developing goals and objectives of the NGO.
Understand why a Mission Statement is needed
Link the statement to why the NGO was created in the first place, and to a pressing current problem.
Ensure it represents the collective thinking of the NGO
Inspires creativity , committment and innovation in delivering the NGO's programmes
Motivates people to work within and in collaboration with the NGO
Develops the policies, programmes and projects of the NGO
Provides the NGO with direction and purpose in everything it does.
Simple short 3-4 sentence
Free of jargon
Proactive and easy to undertand words
Memorable and easy to remember